Friday, December 3, 2010

Stubborn Dog Training Tips

Stubborn dog training is not quite as easy as training a normal dog but it can be done and knowing how makes a huge difference. Let me first start this article by identifying some of the breeds that tend to produce stubborn dogs. This might help you in making a decision when buying a dog.

Afghan hound - Airedale Terrier - Akita - Alaskan Malamute - Alaskan Husky - American Pit Bull - American Staffordshire Terrier - Belgian Shepherd - Bernese Mountain Dog - Bloodhound - Border Collie - Borzoi - Bull Terrier - Chinese Shar-Pei - Chow Chow - Doberman - German Shepherd - Giant Schnauzer - Great Dane - Greyhound - Irish Wolfhound - Mastiff - Rhodesian Ridgeback - Rottweiler - Saluki - Siberian Husky - Weimaraner - Setters

Wood Dog House

Stubborn dogs are not found in the sporting dogs as often as they are found in the hound and terrier groups. When I think about hounds that pursue game, I think about a dog that is very stubborn until they tree or pursue the game to the end. Many people in my area who have deer dogs sometimes have to wait until season is over to find their dogs.

Stubborn Dog Training Tips

This is not to say these dogs can not be trained at all but rather to say it will take patience, knowledge, and confidence on the trainer's part to be successful. These breeds are not well suited for kennels and they need companionship. Many people are taking on the challenge of dog training today because economic conditions has made professional training fees more of a luxury than a necessity. If you decide to train your own dog, you will need a good book or two to learn the valuable secrets that will save you hours of frustration.

Dog training can tend to become a struggle between the trainer and the dog. This is simple to understand when you understand that dogs have a "pack nature" that creates a "dominate nature". This means they had rather lead than follow! Reminds me of my children.

Here are some tips when working with a stubborn dog...

1- Use a firm voice but be careful not to scream and lose your cool. You must be consistent when working with your dog because like children, they will pick up on inconsistency easily. This creates confusion in their mind. Just imagine if you were the dog and one time you get scolded for doing something wrong and the next time you get a pat on the head.

2- Body language is also important because you want to look confident to your dog and always look them in the eyes. This is somewhat of a domination technique. Always look at the dog when correcting and when praising.

3- One great technique is to use some type of noise maker when your dog is not obeying. These items are simple to make by taking a plastic bottle and dropping a few small rocks in it. If you need to correct the dog by striking them with an object that does not hurt but makes a loud noise, use a large plastic baseball bat. The larger the end on the bat, the bigger the sound. You can also drop a few small pebbles in the end of the bat for additional sound.

4- Using a pinch collar to train your dog to heel, sit, and stay is the fastest easiest method there is. I can train most dogs with this method within one week. It works great and this is the first step in training. I explain this process in an ebook.

Training your own dog will be one of the most rewarding things you will ever do. You will enjoy showing your dog's obedience to all of your friends. The sooner you get started the sooner you will achieve success.

Stubborn Dog Training Tips Ring Of Fire: An Indonesian Odyssey - Beyond The Ring Of Fire - 2/4 Video Clips. Duration : 14.58 Mins.

Part 5: Beyond the Ring of Fire: Lawrence Blair returns to a lost paradise at the outer edge of the known world eight years later on a retrospective voyage to many of the islands first visited and others never previously filmed. British brothers Lawrence and Lorne Blair set out in the 1960s on a marvelous, thought-provoking, ten-year adventure through the 3000-mile length of the remote Indonesian archipelago. Inspired by a dog-eared copy of Alfred Russell Wallace's The Malay Archipelago -and his nineteenth century voyage of scientific exploration and discovery--their unforgettable odyssey set sail out of the Celebes (Sulawesi) for the Spice Islands on a perilous schooner crossing with the seafaring Bugis. Tossed to and fro from home port Makassar to isolated Aru Island-stalked all the way by rotting ship beams and the specter of pirates-they were rewarded with one of the rarest sights on earth-the fluffy white plumage of the elusive Bird of Paradise. Metaphysical, anthropological, and intellectual in tone-with a healthy dose of dry wit and humor-the Blairs take you along as they confront komodo dragons, chew betel nut in Sumba, witness a traditional Pasola battle, and herald the annual arrival on shore of the sacred nyale sea worms. Full of naive courage and boundless curiosity, they sought out Asmat headhunters/cannibals in the highlands of Papua New Guinea. Undaunted, these dream wanderers went eye to eye with the fiery blast furnace of simmering Krakatoa. They ...

Keywords: Ring, Of, Fire, An, Indonesian, Odyssey, Beyond, The

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