Friday, July 9, 2010

Take A Breath ep.60

ep.60 *with Emily, Demi and Nicole in their hotel room. Demi is packing up her guitar and stuff* Demi: And don't forget we have a meeting with Jessica tomorow to finalize the CD stuff. When are you guy's coming home? Emily: After we're finished checkin' out guys. Demi: *laughs* Okay. *gets in the car* Love ya. *the car drives* Nicole: We'll go home soon, right? Emily: Yeah. *with Nelena back in the car* Selena: *whinny* Are we almost there? Nick: *driving* No. Selena: I'm so bored. Nick: *driving* I'm sorry. Turn on the radio. Selena: 'Kay. *turns on the radio* Christmas songs! Nick: *driving. sarcastic* Yay. Selena: Come on. Get in the spirit. Nick: *driving* I can't, I'm driving. Selena: Your so whinny. Nick: *driving* Me? *looks at Selena who's dancing and can't help but smile* *with Kaylor putting the twins to sleep* Taylor: Aren't they cute? Kevin: When their not spitting up on me. *Taylor shoots him a look* Kevin: *scared* Adorable. Taylor: You shouldn't talk about them like that. Kevin: They don't understand. Taylor: Their gonna grow up thinking their horrible people. Kevin: As long as they learn how to feed themselves. *Taylor hits him on the arm and walks out of the room. a couple hours later with Demi and Dallas in their room* Demi: I'm so happy I'm home. Dallas: Me too. We missed you so much. Sorry about Joe. Demi: It's fine. I know this might sound horrible but I don't remember why I even liked him. Dallas: *laughs* Yeah. I think it was the oposites atract ...

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