Monday, September 6, 2010

the aftermost man on apple 1964 allotment 7

In the year 1968, every day is the same for Dr. Robert Morgan (Price): He wakes up, gathers his weapons and then goes hunting for zombies. Morgan lives in a world where everyone else has been infected by a plague that turns them into vampire-like creatures. They cannot stand sunlight, fear mirrors, and are repelled by garlic. They would kill Morgan if they could, but fortunately, they are weak and not very smart. At night, Morgan locks himself inside his house; during the day, he kills as many zombies as he can, burning the bodies. Flashbacks explain that his wife and daughter succumbed to the plague. Instead of taking his wife to the same public burn pit used to dispose of his daughter's corpse, Morgan buried his wife without the knowledge of the authorities. Morgan becomes aware of the need to kill the plague victims with a wooden stake when his wife returns to his home and attacks him. Morgan hypothesizes that he is immune to the bacteria because he was bitten by an infected vampire bat when he was stationed in Panama, which introduced diluted plague into his blood. One day, a dog appears in the neighborhood. Morgan chases after the dog but does not catch it. Some time later, the dog appears, wounded, at Morgan's doorstep. He takes the dog into his home and treats its wounds, looking forward to enjoying the company of his new friend. He quickly discovers, however, that it too has become infected with the plague. Morgan is later seen burying the dog, which he has ...

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