Saturday, October 2, 2010

How Do I Stop My Dog From Chewing Wood? - Discover 4 Techniques Now

Is your dog's chewing destroying everything you own? Dogs chewing on things made of wood is a huge problem for many dog owners. If you were a dog, you would like wood too. Wood smells good, tastes good and has a great texture to dogs. So you see this is going to be a tough problem to take on. You will need to uncover many different techniques to find out what will work best for your dog. Then you will need to combine them with some training techniques. OK lets get started.

Dogs Need Sufficient Exercise.

Depending on the breed your dog it will need between 20 minutes to several hours every day. This can include things like a brisk walk, running, or swimming. If you have water close by swimming will burn up excess energy very quickly. If you live in town letting your dog run can be a little more challenging. You could ride a bike while your dog runs. If you play fetch with your dog don't use a stick. This will increase his or her craving for wood.

Dogs Have a Mind Too!

Your dog needs their mind stimulated sometimes just like us. If not they can become very bored and start destructive behaviors. Working breeds such as the German Shepard, Rottweiler, Boarder Collie, and many others are very prone this problem. There are some very good brain stimulating games available for for your dog. You can check with your Vet, local pet store, and even the local supermarket.

Puppies are Like Babies.

Babies explore the world around them and check everything out by putting it in their mouth. Puppies do the same thing. Have you ever had to baby proof a house? You need to do the same thing for puppies. So put as many things as you can either up high or where they can't get to them. This will eliminate a lot of unwanted destruction.

Soak a Few Wash Clothes in Water and Put in the Freezer.

Puppies start getting their baby teeth around 3 to 4 weeks up to 8 weeks. Then around the age of 4 to 5 months they start teething the second time while getting their permanent teeth. They need to chew at these times. Something cold will help the pain and soothe the swollen gums. You can roll up some old wash clothes, soak them in water, then freeze them. Some people will put rawhides in the freezer, this works well also.

OK so you know some reasons dogs chew, and some techniques to try. But this is just a starting point. You will need to discover what works best for your dog and combine this with some training.

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