Thursday, October 7, 2010

Righteousness Not Sins are answer in a Church of God area you accept Fellowship -18.

Righteousness Not Sins are promoted in a Church of God where you have Fellowship -18. Whilst in a Church where you have an Agent of Mammon, a Dog-Collared Priest living on widow's mite who has no conscience but to be a Judas Iscariot, you are fleeced and misguided into the kingdom of Satan. There the Priest would call Jesus Lord Lord but he would be a hypocrite. So form Fellowships without any paid Cleric. And think Logically. Nomore slave to sins but righteousness. In this Dark Age of Christ, the Royal Priests, the Rabbi had become inefficient and useless that they become hypocrites and fleecier. General public lose confidence in them but still the blind to spirit helpless people keep on following them. Christ Jesus defined an Ideal Rabbi in Matt.13. 52He said to them, "Therefore every teacher of the law who has been instructed about the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old." Now, all the Rabbis did not become corrupt but the Jerusalem Temple Priests who were under the sway of the Chief Temple Priests became spiritually dead in letters. Whereas the village Rabbis especially of the Samaritan villages remained spiritually alive and solitary Freemen and did impart their qualities among their Parishers. A Priest becomes FREE when he understands the written Torah in the Light of God or they have christ in their hearts that sets them Free of the Yoke of the Temple Priests. Not many Jewish Rabbis enjoyed ...

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