Thursday, June 24, 2010

Shiver;Chapter 5//part 5

5th part of Chapter 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did you kill him? I whispered. He didnt disappear at the sound of my voice, as I had expected. He was still as a statue, his eyes watching my face instead of the meat in my hand. Its all they can talk about on the news, I said, as if he could understand. They called it savage. They said wild animals did it. Did you do it? He stared at me for a minute longer, motionless, and unblinking. And then, for the first time in 6 years, he closed his eyes. It went against every natural instinct a wolf should have possessed. A lifetime of an unblinking gaze, and now he was frozen in almost-human grief, brilliant eyes closed, head ducked and tail lowered. It was the saddest thing I had ever seen. Slowly, barely moving, I approached him, afraid only of saving him away, not of his scarlet-stained lips or the teeth they hid. His ears flicked, acknowledging my presence, but he didnt move. I crouched, dropping the meat on to the snow beside me. he flinched as he landed. I was close enough to smell the wild odor of his coat and feel the warmth of his breath. Then I did what I had always wanted to I put a hand to his dense ruff, and when he didnt flinch, I buried both my hands in his fur. His outer coat was not soft as it looked, but beneath the coarse guard hair was a layer of downy fluff. With a low groan, he pressed his head against me, eyes still closed. I held him as if he were no more ...

Recommend : Garage Shelving vinyl flooring bedspreads and comforters

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